Friday, August 17, 2007

Shopping for nothing at Wal-Mart by: Walt Bauer

Walt, I hope you don't mind, but this is so good I thought it should be shared with others!

Ben, I am glad to hear that every thing went well for you. Just think, in a few days you
will be able to see everything the way it really is-- even Peg. Oops now I'm in trouble.

Well why not. "I'm in trouble here also". We just spent 4 hours going to 'I don't know
how many stores' shopping. After looking at everything in every store I asked the dumb question. "What are we looking for?" Now sit down for the answer, "We were looking for nothing". And you know, I think every woman there was looking for the same thing. How do I know, you ask. Well I was trampled, stomped, kicked and ran over by a lot of them.

They couldn't see me, because they were looking for nothing. Boy does it cost to
look for nothing. I'm a $200.00 poorer and I now have to go to doctor to get my wounds taken care of. I also have to report that nothing comes in all different sizes and colors. And none of them was right. So if any of you ever want to go shopping for nothing, don't call me.

I was told that I am now an expert on nothing so my advice doesn't mean nothing
anyhow. So now that I have said absolutely nothing, I will close. I don't want say something sensible and confuse the whole situation.

By: brother Walt
Posted by: Ben R. Bauer

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