Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Angel has a bent Halo

My Angel has a Bent Halo, a broken wing and rides a tricycle. So, who is watching over me at the moment? They assigned a mouse by the name of Alfreeda and she can’t do anything right. They could find no other job for her, so she was assigned to watch over me? If you want to rob the store, now is the time to do it!

Clouds are thick and heavy with cold winds from the north west, It’s not a good day to be anywhere except maybe in bed. Today is a holiday for home makers or cooks and it is considered illegal to make any kind of a request from them.

Birds set on overhead wirers and poop on everything below. Squirrels are trying to gain entrance to the house, Dogs bark at anything that moves outside and Old men are spending a lot of time running to the Bathroom. How is this all possible at the Same time, It’s witchcraft with black cats and straw brooms and black hats. I forgot about the wart on the long crooked nose and the boiling cast iron pot!

If you are in bed, stay there! If not, get there as fast as you can. Pull the cover up over you head so no one can see you. Don’t move until you hear the clock strike the half hour after twelve noon.
Yesterday, I had to make a health care run and try to salvage a life from the grim riper. Sooner or later, she will be calling and I am not ready to go. I don’t have a thing to wear that matches my blue canvas shoes. Of course if you are one that don’t want to fire the furnaces in hell, you can become a supervisor and you need to be an x-congressional leader for that position.

Obama has a mean mouthed wife who is a lawyer, Hilary has a mean mouthed husband who thinks he is a lawyer, John has a beautiful wife who has a distributorship for beer. Now who would you vote for ?
It’s hard to tell, what I have, a witch or a wife, one has to turn a page to find out and that is risky thing to do. At the present time, the broom rider, is doing one of her favorite things, out spending money.

I have had my toast and coffee and the shower is awaiting me. May hair is a mess, have bad breath and there is no smile on my face, and I can see no reason to do so. The little dog is asleep in a living room chair and the news paper is in a mess where he left it on the floor! Would you believe that the house mother buys him his own news paper just so he has something to tear up? Of course, if you believe that, I have a hole in the ground that you might be interested in, it won’t cost you much. Sorry, but the bridge has already been sold!

I have no plans for the day, No money to spend, No energy and I am brain dead.
Thanks for attending the services! I’m gone……..”U”

Ben R. Bauer

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