Saturday, February 21, 2009

Do you enjoy doing your work?

When the cold water touched her toe, she screamed and jumped back-wards, the basket she was holding went flying high in the air, hitting a tree branch and falling to the ground. The flowers went everywhere and they were so beautiful, a gift for her mother. She salvaged what she could and carefully placed them back in her little basket. That happened so long ago, she could hardly remember. She was so young back then.

Now she has returned to her home town and hadn’t been here since her mother had passed away, several years before. She stopped at the cemetery when she first arrived in town, to check on her mother’s grave. It had been well taken care of and she was happy that she had gotten that perpetual care plan.

She had no other relatives living here and most old friends had moved away. There was little to attract people to this small town and hardly any work for the people that were still here. After finishing collage, there was nothing for her here. She had sold the home she was born at and all the furnishings, after the passing of her mother. It was hard to see these things go. But she had to start a new life and being reminded of the past, only served to make life more difficult.

Her new career, of becoming a clown and traveling, was providing all that she needed. She loved to make people laugh and the little kids were always crowding around her! This is what this story is all about. Having job security and doing something you enjoy.

She loved to tell the little ones, stories and watch their eyes grow big and how they responded when she answered their questions. The children were always jumping up and down and laughing as they were so excited. This was most likely, the one thing that she loved the most!

She had put together a number of clown costumes, and wore them at different performances. She settled on six different costumes and used a different name for herself, depending on which one she wore, Names like: Daisy, Dixie, Bubbles, Happy, PinchMe and Kiss. She loved the children’s parties and often appeared at children’s hospital wards and she always brought along gifts for the children.

She had never dreamed that being a clown could be so fulfilling and earn so much money at the same time. She hardy had time to spend any of it and most of it was donated to her favorite places. She was listed as one of the best charitable contributors around, but most people hardly knew her name! She wasn’t doing what she does, for fame or fortune, but because it worked so well to bring on happiness for her and others.

Why spend a life time in a job or profession that you do not like? Being unhappy in what you do, is not being productive or prosperous for an employer. But most of all, It does little for you, the employee. Dreamers are found to be the most happy people. Inventors run a close second. If you stop to think of what it takes to make people happy, you will be very happy with what you learn. Have you ever heard the story of the millionaire that spent four hours a day, five days a week, setting on a street corner with his tin cup? It’s a true story and this is how he became a millionaire.

Most people think money can do anything, but show me a person that has lots of money and I’ll bet he is not a happy person. Once they have money, they always want more and they soon forget about the important things in life and the people and their needs.

Some people think Love can take the place of money, wrong again. There is no one thing that makes one happy, they overlook most things, Pride is one of them. Have you ever had a night that you couldn’t sleep and did you know why? There are times in a person’s life, that your body just won’t let you relax and let you sleep. You body knows things that you don’t think of.

Count all the sheep you want or take some pills, it will be useless to gain the rest you need. Yes, sleep doesn’t always bring the rest you need. There is a little thing inside of you that controls your body and when it says “No” there is little you can do to change what it is doing.

One needs to have an assortment of conditions to be happy. If I were to start listing them, that wouldn’t mean they were right for you. Each person, as an individual, needs a balanced number of sensitivities. Among them are Love, Respect, Creativity. Honesty, Health, Fear, Comfort, Responsibility, Productivity, Trust, Strength and enough money to live conformability, to bring about Happiness.

It is really too bad, that one is not taught this stuff, until they have grown old and retired and then it is too late to make changes , But this is good information you can pass on the younger people and tell them it is okay to make changes in their lives.

Ben R. 2/21/2009

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