Sunday, April 1, 2007

Retirment for the third time came at age 65

I married in 1948 and we had six children, two girls and four boys, I worked as a gold miner for a few years and then went into building construction work as a carpenter for several years. In 1950 I went to work for the Veterans Administration and 25 years with them was all I could handle.
The next seventeen years were spent as a maintenance supervisor for a well known motel chain. Health problems dictated that a new vocation be found Then I found part time employment with the US Genealogical survey, Water Resources Department. Reduction in man power ended this employment, so I started a new career as a security guard for a local company. Full retirement came in August of 1994.
Again, health problems prevent me from doing much, I seem
to run out of energy real fast. Have had to be taken to the
emergency room several times for heart problems. Have been on the edge and and doing a balancing act for sometime. I started to write short stories and found that I do enjoy doing this. Now I spend most of my time writing stories for your enjoyment. The things I enjoy the most, are my wife Peggy, My six kids, My grandchildren and a little dog named Trouble.
I love to see people smile and laugh. My favorite people in this world are a friend named "Mickey" and a humorist by the name of "Will Rogers".
My old friends are disappearing fast and I need to make new ones. The new friends will never
be able to replace the old ones but memories will survive.
I have been blessed and the years have been good.
Ben R Bauer

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Tell us more, Dad. Lynette