Thursday, June 7, 2007

Divide and be conquered !

Divide and be Conquered,

There are so many negative things going on in this day and age, I want to say: "STOP the world" and let me off! It all started long before most of us realized that every thing seemed to be going wrong. Can’t give you any one reason or a name, but if you look towards Washington DC and Congress, You will find most of the reasons there. We must be doing something wrong or is it because
we are not doing anything?

Be it ben Laden and the al Qaeda or Saddam Hussein or the North Korean’s and their destructive devices, on the World Wide Scene! There are areas that need ones attention on your local scenes also. You have your pet peeves and it becomes necessary! But when some thing is wrong and has never worked, it needs to be changed and you as a citizen of that area, need to start some action and h
elp make those changes that are needed.

It appears that most everyone has an opinion and freely send Jokes and funny pictures of all those people that are in the headlines. Which is good and I do enjoy them and do my part to send them on to others. The message is clear and that is no joke! We all wish that our people in Washington could do something besides fight with each other and believe their party affiliations are more important, before
the needs of the people are met.

Has it occurred to you that these elected officials have not seen or heard what the e-mail people are circulating! Do you know if you are being heard or not? Why shouldn’t our people in Washington know what we are thinking? I for one have my Congressman’s E-mail address and send these messages on to him.

When every I send letters to the Editor on things that concern me, I never receive an answer that is satisfactory, They just give you that old run around .

I grow tired of people that attack other people and know nothing about the issue. They decide they don’t like a person and wage a continues attack on that person regardless of what he says or does. The more they attack that person, the more
I tend to agree with the person under attack.

Why do these people become so vicious and find hate so easily, Do you suppose that they have never been loved or loved anyone else! An ugly attitude will always keep others at bay. May God Bless them, oops, there is that word “God”

What ones Ancestors did or how they lived a hundred years ago, is history. Today we have better ways to communicate, we don’t have to build a fire and send up smoke signals. We are chasing across the universe, not Buffalo across the prairies! Man has a brain and he can learn new things by living together
under the blue sky above. If the color bothers you, back into the sea you go!

What do you think would happen if all our Congressman could receive messages from all participating e-mail fans from each community in this nation and learning
what we think about issues or about the changes some people want to make.

Some people are always trying to change things, like removing the word God, “In God we trust” or using the word “God Bless America” they are throw backs for Hitler’s time and need to be dealt with and should be encouraged to accept an
attitude adjustment or we can all chip in and get them a Lobotomy!

For those that are never satisfied and complain about everything, we would like to test your bouncing ability from a thousand foot cliff in north western Montana. The name of this land is America, it is a Great land because people from all over the world came here and chose to become Americans. It doesn’t make any
difference who this land belonged to in the beginning.

This land was fought for and occupied by people who wanted to be free and were willing to defend that right. That battle was won by the people that are known as Americans. It is one nation (Under God) and we need to stand
together, no matter what anyone else says!

We are one nation and not a bunch of nations inside these borders of America. If you don’t want to be an American, As it is said! “You are free to leave!” There should be no part of this Nation that is not governed by the same rules for all Americans. The elected officials chosen are duty bound to enforce the laws as set
forth in our constitution. No man is above those laws in this great nation.

To live in this nation, you are ask to pledge your allegiance to this land of America or you can say good-by to this great country. We fight together to defend this nations way of life, Not fight each other to defend your Ancestors way of life and create a separate place that will divide one people from another.
Remember! “Divided we fall , United we can still fall unless we are willing to fight together.

Reservations for the Native Americans have never worked and will never work inside the boundaries of this nation. History has proven that ”time & time again. We call this place “The United States of America”! We all have the same rights and the majority rules. We accept the good and the bad and if we disagree, we
try to change it and have rules to follow on how to do this.

Think about this for a moment! If a native person is an American, than they should be like all Americans. They can live by the same rules, Be judged by the same laws, Be educated by the same schools, Help to govern our communities and pass legislation that will improve life for all. There should be no special programs to treat any American differently than any other American. If God created and wise men found that all men are created equal, and that includes those of us that crawled up out of the sea. We all know about the ten ccommandment's. Either you believe in them or you don’t, they are well worth following and each man benefits from them.

(In God We Trust), Why not, you can’t trust in some of our peoples, or elected officials. They want to change the things we like and have fought for, just to make it better for some special interest groups. Dictators beware! We don’t
need or want you here!

Now all of you hear this, Leave my country and it’s people alone, keep you petty little paws off of my nations ways of life, stay away from our schools or I will slap your hands hard! If you want to become a citizen of this country, do it the right way. Just don’t come to this country and expect me and others to support you. I for one am getting mad and dam tired of anyone trying to make changes to benefit outsiders. If you wake my big dragon, you will be in
for a lot of trouble.

One of the Over the Hill Gang!

The Rooster King...

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