Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Five Dollar Dance

A Five Dollar Dance...

When I was around fourteen years of age. A fat lady offered me $5.00 if I would take her to a dance. Now a young feller like myself would do almost anything for
five dollars. One could travel around the world for five bucks.

Well it came time to leave for the dance, she called a cab and we arrived there about 8:00 p.m. I stood there while she paid the driver and I went up the stairs to the dance hall ahead of her. A seven piece band was playing and I think each instrument was playing a different song! There was a few people on the dance
floor but most of them were just standing round watching.

We found a place to set down and after a while she said: Let’s dance. I tried to push than pull this lady around the floor several times and she sweat like the fountain of youth. No one could get their arms around this girl unless they had
rubber arms like the rubber man from a circus.

There were a lot of service men there from the Air Base and they were all looking for a girl. I offered this one guy the five dollars if he would take the lady off my
hands and see that she got home, which he agreed to do.

My toes were throbbing from being stepped on and I was sure I had a broken foot. This elephant had a tank full of something and it was leaking all over the place. One lady had slipped and fell from a wet spot on the floor and she was giving the manager a bad time. He gave her back her entrance fee and you should have seen her go after that, I thought to myself, why couldn’t I have been that smart, but then, I was young and was learning. What I learned was, the older you got, you played by a different set of rules. Money did grow on trees and all you had to do
was know how to pick it.

Soon after that, she gave me some change and told me to take the cab home. Any way, I learned that it will take more than five dollars to get me to take another fat lady to a dance or to buy my services as an escort, And as you know, there are a
lot of roads to travel…..

Ben Bauer

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