Saturday, August 11, 2007

Lake Pactola History !

Ben Talks; Sept. 20, 2000
Subject: Pactola Lake History......

Hi, are you ready for another History Lesson ? You learned about history in school and you have read books on the subject. I thought it was time you heard the truth from a Story teller!
In the Black Hills area, we have one of our most beautiful lakes in South Dakota. It is called Pactola Lake. Many years before this area was turned into a lake. It was a play ground for the Indians. They hunted, camped and played here long before the white man came into the area. So they didn't have any park fees to pay or permits and fishing licenses to buy. Of course there were no facilities for them to use either. Nature provided all that they needed. The forest had many old trees that had fallen and the forest was covered with dry leaves from all the bushes and other vegetation that was growing every where. You use what nature provides.

The Chief of the tribe was called Chief Pactola, I think the lake was named after him! His tribe of Indians would sit around the camp fire telling stories, laughing, hooting & hollering and eating until they had their fill, then fall asleep on their blankets. They were a happy bunch of Indians and their biggest problem was with the Bears, so it was told!

Now these bears were not your regular black bear, these bears were educated and most of them had spent a year or two at the local Bear Den, college, located At Three Forks, which was just a few hours away by canoe. ( Now if you are wondering why bears would use a canoes, well they didn’t) this was used as a reference to distance.

Wild Turkey and Venison was harsh on the Indian stomach's, in spite of what you heard. When their stomachs started to churn they had to hurry to find an old downed tree in the woods and place their rear end over the log, Then use the dry leaves to cleanse themselves.

When other Indians were out hunting and came to one of these downed tree, they would jump over the downed tree, as they were usually chasing some wild game for their dinner. A lot of the braves were complaining to the chief about stepping in this yellow green piles, that were found all over in the woods. ( The color came from the berries they ate.)

None of the Indians would admit to doing their job there, so It was always blamed on the Bears. It wasn't long before the Indians were dancing around the fire shouting "down with the bears" and making other threats against them. The noise them Indians made was terrible and it kept the Bears awake all night.

Soon the bears were gathering at the Bears Den and trying to decide what could be done with these Indians. The bears all agreed that they should post warnings on the trees in the forests before they done anything life treating. ( Note: these Bears have a peaceful nature and are grade "A", civilized citizens of Natures own making.)

So they selected a group to go out into the forest and make marks on the trees, warning the Indians that there was going to be serious trouble if the Indians didn't stop infringing on the Bears territory. Doing their thing in the forest and blaming it on the bears. ( All bears knew how to dig a small hole for their body waste and cover it over with earth.)

So the Indians beat on their drums and danced around the fire while their council decided what could be done. An old and wise chief suggested that each family of Indians construct a clay pot to and keep in their teepees at night and the next day they could go out into the woods, dig a hole, like the bears, empty these pots and cover their waste with earth.

From that day on, the Indians carried these containers with them as they moved from one camp site to another. Since it was the old chief who came up with this idea, they decided they would call these pots a Toile. The old Chief has been dead for some time now, he is in the Happy Hunting grounds with all the other old Indians.

The tribe lives on, but they don't talk about the old boy much. It seems he disgraced the tribe when he was caught in another T P with this young little Indian girl. His number one squaw, done him in with a cast iron fry pan from a fifty yards away.

Of course It was all the White mans fault. Everyone knows that and Indian can run much faster, wearing a loin cloth, and moccasins than he could with those tight shoes and store bought trousers! Anyway, the White man came....Gold was discovered...Custer arrived with his army...... A war started and went on & on ...... Then the tourist came ..... and the war started again....... and went on & on & on ........ and the Bears left ...... and the war continues.
White Men built this lake and decided to call it Lake Pactola! Now there are Toiles every where .

And the war continues……………..
Ben R. Baue

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