Saturday, April 12, 2008

(History of the up-dated Indian)

It is another beautiful morning here in foot hills, where Rapid City joins Dakota Land in the Black Hills of western South Dakota.. Yes, the land of the Sioux and a few of us white guys. The numbers don't mean a thing, no matter what you hear or read. At least, not as far as the State and Federal Government are concerned .

At the foot of the Statue of Liberty in New York's Harbor, there is a plaque that says, " Send us your tired, your poor and the sick and the enslaved" ( Not exactly the same words but close) and we will change their life and style of living. And Boy, do they ever! The Rich get Richer and from there it all goes down hill for the rest, unless they happen to be associated with crime. The poor, the sick, the tired all end up on Welfare and you and I get to pay their bills. White American minorities, That is what most of us are and you will never hear our Congressman or Senators, speak of us and no one will find the words (White American minorities) in any dictionary or government reports!

If a White American with little to no income, wants to apply for some sort of aid or assistance so he can feed his family or shelter them, or wants some help so he can gain more education, he has to fill out forms and answer sheets of questions, explaining why he needs the assistance and why he hasn't got a job paying high wages or the education to acquire such.

(So, in their opinion, if you haven't already got it, you don't need it) The paper work goes on for years, at which time they (Welfare) inform you that the information is old and useless and you have to start over anew. This repeats as long as you are willing to play their game or until you just give up and quit trying, which is the goal of Welfare.

However, The Native American has no education and doesn't know how to sign his name, so someone at the Welfare Office will do it for him or her or it. An "it" is an Indian with darker than normal red skin and their family usually came from the southern states or were Slaves from Africa .

Now the word "Native Americans" is one that is well known and is the first word that an Indian child learns to speak. The second word is and I think the word is pronounced " Come Chowwa " in the Sioux language.

Remember the words, The Land of the Free? "Well" while we Poor White guys were trying to figure out what it meant . The Native American was already on board, a craft in Space. He left his calling card, and was back to renew his relationship with Welfare and Government Commodities.

Yes, he was sent on an education training mission, but no beer or wine was sent along. The government never learns that the Native American Indian, finds that it is much easier to go to the mail box and pick up his Government check. Later he will have his Squaw or little Indian do it for him. His cousins all have the same name so one has to be a little careful with them Government checks. Those things will start a war if the wrong person gets a hold of one.

Have you noticed all them women that work in the Welfare Office are Native Americans? And their Motto is, Serve the Native American Indian and screw the White Man. and that is what the sign on their wall in the Welfare office says. You can’t read it because it is written in the Sioux language.

You don't believe me ,Go read it for yourselves .................

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