Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It is My openion that..

To become a slave is easy, to become a slave owner is much harder! Why would you want to have slaves? You have to feed them, take care of their health problems, find clothing for them, give shelter to them, stop men from fooling around with the women and try to prevent pregnancies. Slaves know that you expect them to be ignorant of all things, so you have to tell them every little detail on how to do something, every day!

You run your legs off and spend a lot of money and all you gain is worry and fatigue. You turn your back and put a little trust in them, They run away and you have to spend more time and money to find and bring them back. Then you have to punish them, so everyone will know what happens when they run. If you don’t at least, Cripple a runaway or chain him to a post, no one has learned anything.

Now when I got “my“ slave, we signed an agreement that only I could honor. She didn’t have to cook, clean, chop wood, work in the garden, carry heavy loads over five pounds, do laundry, iron or do dirty dishes or wash my back! She got a private room with southern expositor, a fan and a radio and just about anything else she wanted! This was before TV. And DVD’s.

When Lincoln freed the slave, there was no mention of the slave owner! The slaves went to school, learned how to read, write and became Doctors Lawyers , Teachers, Senators and Congress men. They wrote laws that made it a crime for white boys to be in a black man’s neighborhood , after dark. Or was it the black man could not be in the white man’s neighbor-hood. Whatever it was, they wrote a law and the Sheriff will enforce it.

Today, we have a tall man with ancestors, going back to slave traders, and slave ships, who has become the President of this country. I’m not sure where he was born, but it is said that he is an American citizen, He has Birth certificates from Hawaii, Several from the Chicago area and one from one of them Islamic countries, so he must be a Citizen. He has made one huge mistake already. By passing out money and creating a deficit, that not even our great great great grand-children will be able to pay off. This in turn will make Slaves out of every American citizen for the next thousand years. He has placed the Bankers in a position to control us, far better that they could in the past. Yes, he put the fox in charge of the hen house, Now open your eyes and watch your freedoms disappear one by one.

Now if you are smiling to yourself, saying this will never happen! Well it has and it is, and you are blind and deaf, to not be aware of it. It is doubtful that they will print it in brail for you. They always try to make their actions as low profile as possible.

Having a President with thoughts and ideas, that appear to be what our country is in need of, won’ t work like you think it will. You still have no control over those Senator’s and Congress men. You absolutely have to jerk back on those reins and let them know they are there to do what you have elected them to do, that it is you, that is in control of them and not the other way around.

As you are aware of, this nation has many problems, not just a few that never seem to be worked out. I doubt if many of the citizens this Nation know just how close this country is to falling to an enemy or to another Nation. Are you one of them people that think this is impossible or un-likely to happen? It happens every day in other countries, so what makes you think it can’ happen here? This nation is considered to be a new nation and would it surprise you to know that other nations are far advance in humanities and environmental issues. And that is not all that we are way behind in. Are you one of those people that think of this country as being, bigger and better in everything, compared to the rest of the world?

Do you really think you know why most countries are down on Americans? Why is it that the people of this country think they are always right and that the world should follow in its footsteps.

Once upon a time, you and I could say, we were proud to be Americans, but in this day and age, I would hesitate to tell anyone that. The less fortunate in the world, think that living in this country will give one everything they desire. It is true, you can find almost anything you want, here in this country, but look at where it was made. If it is manufactured in the USA, the quality of the product is far behind what other countries provide. Because the manufactures are after the fast dollar and want the consumer to buy, buy and buy. Why is it, that so many manufactures move their companies to other countries? Cheap Labor is one reason. Government tax is another. Can you name five things that are still made in this country?

What we do have in this country, is laws to protect the guilty, there are more thieves, killers, crooks, masters of deceit and criminals of all walks of life, in this country than there are in the rest of the world. You never know what is true and what is not.

Your chance of getting murdered is not one in a thousand, but one in twelve today. For having your property stolen, you just as well set it on the curb with a sign saying. Help Your-selves. Yes, I not sure I want anyone to know that I am an American any-more. Like I said, once we were proud of our nation, but look at what we have done to it today!

Is there life on other worlds, out there in space, will they come to earth and take over? If they are as intelligent as some think they might be, they will stay away from this planet.

What you think is impossible, is happening every day. You think just what you were told to think, To have an opinion on a subject. You cannot believe in what you see, hear or feel. Our founding fathers had no idea of what was coming in your future. When you don’t know what is coming, you can’t prepare for it. I could write page after page of what is wrong in this picture, but you would only repudiate it after what I have said above.

If you still believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter bunny or on making a wish on a falling star, it is time for you to wake up and face reality.

If it is a Dream Land that you want to live in, than dream on. I just hope it is not too late when you awaken.

Ben R. 2/27/2009

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