Thursday, December 13, 2012

Old Santa has been caught!  He is being held in a prison cell in Washington DC, He received a letter from Obama, saying he had to take out the Obama Care health insurance on all his workers. He told them “No”.  His workers were all volunteers. 

Then they discovered that he was not paying them, for their work or providing sick leave or vacations. They were not allowed to join a union or have any say in the working conditions. He has also never licensed his Sleigh or received a permit for the Rain Deer to travel using the air space that belongs to others. It was also learned that he has never had any insurance to cover damage done to roof tops, done by his Deer and Sleigh.  

After investigating further, they discovered that he has never paid a dime for social security insurance for himself or any of his workers, It is said that he is in volition of 389 laws of this country and God only knows, how many in other countries.  Old Kringle must think he has the same rights as a Senator or a Congress man. 

The Elves never complain about anything, with the exception of the "Rain Deer with the Red nose", that spends 364 days a year in bars drinking.

Santa is a suspected of having a second marriage, with a young wife, living in Florida with a number of children that belong to old Nick. The state is seeking child support. 

Santa is standing in a deep pile of s--t and needs your help.  I am acting as a trustee and will be handling all the financial stuff. If you would like to make a donation, go to any Bank and deposit the money into a Democratic campaign fund. And don’t forget to take the credit when you file your Federal income tax for 2012. Please don’t tell anyone else, the amount that you donate! 

The Republicans won’t mind one little bit, as they have not been involved in Christmas for a number of years. Did you know that 99.9 % of all Republicans are Women?  And that all Democrats are crooks and thieves, or is it the other way around?  

Dec. 13,2012
By; Ben R. ?

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