Sunday, January 6, 2013

"If it is raining on you, Don't just stand there"

Some Idiots are smarter than other Idiots. Those that have been over the hill for some time. are the worst.

She opened the front door and said, come in, but to leave all the wet things on the steps. So, that is where I left my clothing.  There were a number of ladies playing poker and they all came running with towels to dry me off and warm me up.

With all the giggling and excitement with the pushing and shoving, and once they thought they had done a good job. They all stood back to look at what they had, It was hard to say what they were thinking with the ahw’s and the ews. But there was still something there that resembled a man. A pot belly, that hung low. A bald head, bowed legs, a small amount of hair on the chest and it was alive.

The ladies were each taking their turn, having poker parties at their homes, and I was invited as a special guest at each one. I was expected to participate in something like a wet T-shirt contest with the ladies.  This was fine, until some of the girls wanted to get more involved. There were times when it required several weeks to recover. I was even hospitalized a few times.

Some dreams end a lot sooner than others and it is good that this one ended. Another week or so. they would have been grieving at a grave site.

My next dream was about the IRS, (Who said that things are never so bad that they can’t be worse?) If the IRS wants to talk with you, don’t say a thing, agree with whatever they say. Leave your wife at home if you have one, if you do, she will have plenty to say to you at home.

Time to wake up and get with the program. Now what was it we were going to do? You go ahead and start, I’ll be with you in a moment or two.

By: Ben R.
Jan. 6, 2013

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