Saturday, April 7, 2007

Education and achievements …..

I for one was always honored to receive recognition for being above average as a student in school. I don’t remember if I was poplar with the other kids or not. I was much too busy being the teacher's helper and a leader for the other kids.

My first year in kindergarten was mostly spent interacting with the teacher.
Infect I think she liked me so much she kept me for a second year, as a example for the other children. My fire bright red hair was a beacon that attracted older
women and that was not the only thing that I had going for myself.

The first grade was a breeze for me and the teacher couldn't wait to advance me to the second grade. This new teacher was a little older and more of a challenge
than the first grade teacher. Again I had so much to offer, she kept me a second year to be sure she understood everything I offered to her and the class. I knew that some teachers had, what you would call pets and favored then above the other
kids in the class!

By the time I was ready to be advanced to the third grade, I was so much larger than those other children, I had to be advance to the fifth grade to find a seat large enough for me. After all, a student tall enough to look at the teacher eye ball to eye ball, was a bit shaking for a young teacher!

And when I started calling the lady principle “Momma” They couldn't wait to get me into Junior High… I had a reason for just about everything I did!

Puppy Love....

I found my first love when I was in the second grade, She had everything a guy wanted. I dreamed about her for years and one day we met again.. She still had
everything but it was arranged a little differently. Her biggest part was only a short distance from the floor. When she bent forward, "it was get out of the way boys, it's going to tip over" There really wasn't any danger, She was built like a tear drop, big on the bottom and her head was quite small at the top. She definitely wouldn't ever tip over in the wind without righting herself again. It's a law of Nature!
Good by
Love Ben

1 comment:

Lynette said...

As a mom, I would say you were/are too smart for your britches. In fact I'll bet that's what all those teachers said! Anyway, I'm glad you made it through to become the man you are Dad!

Happy Easter