Friday, August 17, 2007

Living your Life in Fear !

Living your life in fear is something you have always done, even if it seems new to you. It starts with day one. Your parents know that with a little threat they can make the children do any thing. It’s not that they would do anything to hurt or harm them, they just feel it is an easy way to get a kid to obey them. Think back and you will remember, there has always been a small threat even if it was only some one saying, ”or else”. By the time you reach age one, you have been conditioned. Fear is with you from that day on.

You never thought much about it until 9-11 Now you have fears each time you go some where. It happens all day long every day of the week for as long as you live. We fear the things we don’t understand and people you don’t know. In fact you fear anything that is alive or moves as you are never sure what to expect. Most people fear the Dark others fear hot bright lights or hard rain and the thunder. The barking dog that runs after you even if it is behind a fence, it could jump over the fence and get you.

On your first day of school, you are told to ware a coat or you will catch a cold. You leave home with your coat, but you take it off and leave it some where and will pick it up on your way home after school. You fear that you are not going to get a good grade because you didn’t study the night before. School is about to end for the day, now you are having fear of the bully that waits for you outside and chases you all the way home. The next day he is there again and this time he traps you. But Mary, your little cousin who is smaller and two years younger, sees him picking on you. She walks up and pokes him in the eye! He falls down and gets up crying and runs for home. Now you are thinking about that, so the next day you are waiting for him and he sees that you are waiting for him. Now you have learned about fear and how to us it and make it work for you.

But that cold you were warned about catching, you now have. But you say okay, if I’m sick I can stay home tomorrow. But fear enters again, the medicine that tastes so bad or you will have that smelly stuff your mother plastered on your chest and even a trip to see the doctor. He knows that you are not all that sick and you fear what he may tell your mother, He gives her a prescription to have filled and you fear it is going to be for caster-oil or an enema, the two things a kids fears the most! You think to yourself, they are not going to stick that thing up my butt!

Yes, no mater where you go or what you do, there is always fear to contend with! Be it religion, playing games or working at a job, it will always be there with you. You have fear of not doing the right thing, fear of voting for the wrong person or fear that the colors of your clothing don’t match or what people will think of you! As if that isn’t enough, you keep hearing about being chased in a parking lot and bad men hiding and waiting at your car. The products you have bought and maybe someone has tampered with them and they will harm you! No, you can’t get away from fear, it’s here to stay and you can’t get it out of your mind! From childhood to the oldest age possible, you will find it everywhere.

But there is a way to get rid of those fears! Create yourself a dream and in this dream, you find your self a young and beautiful female, One that has lots of money and owns a chain of liquor stores One that wants sex every night and loves to cook. One that thinks Christmas is a year around Holiday. Just don’t talk in your sleep and don’t let your wife see that smile on your face! Even after all that dirt is piled on top of you at the cemetery, you will still have a smile on your face.

I am Ben

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Thank, Dad, Fear and life go together, for sure. I have faced some of my fears and found them to shrivel a bit. Never easy, never goes away but I have learned that I have more grit in spite of feelings.