Monday, September 3, 2007

A Poem for a Special Person

A poem for a special person

Butterfly wings are beautiful, it’s true,
The way they move and their beauty remind me of you.

The memoirs they bring, from the beginning of time,
This can never be matched by the end of the line
Who could create so much love in one moment of birth,
Much more than one is thought to be worth.

My life began when I first saw you,
These wonderful things I could not dream.
You have made life worth while, it’s true.
And you also made my favorite color change to blue.

What came before was always the plan.
Where others before you played in the sand,
They grew much too fast and left my home.
Now I only have you to share my throne.

My cup runith over when you arrived,
What a great day it was to be alive.
You make my heart beat, faster with the spinning earth.
Now get up and get my breakfast before I go,
And while you are at, it take down that dam mistletoe…..


By; Husband Ben
Sept. 3rd. 2007

1 comment:

Lynette said...

You rascal! I'll bet you got pancakes for this one. L